Tuesday, April 29, 2008

...some rapid heart beating

Last Thursday I had my 16 week midwife check up. It was nice to finally meet my midwife and chat over any concerns. My biggest concern was that I hadn't put on any weight despite the fact that I already have a rather large bump. The midwife laughed and said don't worry you will!! Apart from the midwife taking far too much blood for my liking the best bit about the visit was getting to hear the heartbeat for the first time. It's nice to be re-assured that Baby Brumby is growing inside. I'm looking forward to the next scan in about 4 weeks. So far the pregnancy has been good and I've not had too many of those awful pregnancy symptoms. Lets hope it continues!! :)

1 comment:

allotmentbore said...

Don`t knock it. I`m putting on weight without the bump!