Monday, September 22, 2008

... a private cinema visit

On Saturday Phil and I decided to go to Cheshire Oaks to meet his brother and do some shopping. Shopping and me don't agree at the best of times so with only 2 weeks to go until this little ones makes an appearance I was definitely not looking froward to it. Wonderfully 'The boy in the Stripped Pyjamas' was being shown at the cinema and they had an early morning showing, so all problems were resolved by me going to the cinema whilst the boys shopped :) The film was brilliant, but as always not as good as the book and the Germans having English accents was particularly strange. I had the cinema pretty much to myself, there was me and 2 other people so it just felt like I was curled up in my living room watching the film.

The cinema trip was made complete by a visit to my favourite restaurant, 'Nandos' and then a trip to one of my favourite shops, 'The Paper Mill Shop'. It was a fun Saturday :)

Sunday was a little sadder, the tomato plant that has been dominating our living window all summer was finally cut into little pieces and given a new home in the compost bin. We have had a bumper crop of tomatoes and loved watching the crazy plant grow, but next year Phil will have to buy me a green house before I consider buying any more tomato was just too big.

I'm now sat waiting for my good friend Sarah from home to arrive. She is hopefully going to look after me this week whilst Phil's away with work. Lets hope the baby doesn't decide to make an appearance whilst Phil's in London!!

1 comment:

allotmentbore said...

The film had more of an impact on me than even the book, but i totally agree that it was wierd to get used to the German family being very english, but afterwards I thought this was maybe to show thatit is not about just one race being dreadful to another, but that any race could, and it broughtit home to me more, that it was this plummy english family.
Hope you enjoy your week with your friend, and if there`s anything you need..............